Postponed NARROWED PERSPECTIVES? On the reform of public broadcasters and its impact on independent documentary film
OnlineOnline event Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 8:00 pm ‘NARROWED PERSPECTIVES? On the reform of public broadcasters and its impact on independent documentary film‘ An ongoing trend: Large production companies such…
doc&talk – The theory of happiness
OnlineThe theory of happiness Director: Gregory Gan; 82 minutes; 2014; Russian, English; English subtitles In a remote village outside the city of Kharkov, Ukraine, a small but passionate group of…
OnlineONE HUNDRED AND FOUR Director: Jonathan Schörnig, 93 minutes, 2024, FSK 12 How a sea rescue can take place is beyond imagination. The real-time documentary ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR brings…
doc&talk – Love in the face of genocide
OnlineOnline doc&talk Sunday, 20.10.2024, 11:00 am LOVE IN THE FACE OF GENOCIDE Director: Sêro Hindê / 52 min. / 2020 / Kurdish (UT: English) The film explores the impact of…
doc&talk – Goldrausch
OnlineThe September doc&talk docfilm42 presents GOLDRAUSCH - The History of the Treuhand on 20.09. Even 35 years after reunification, the consequences of the liquidation of East German companies can still…
doc&talk – Chronicles of the Middle Ages
OnlineZoom event Sunday, 21.07.2024, 7:30 pm Registration at this link. The film was shot in May 2022 in Kiev, Bucha and Gostomel. Eyewitnesses report on the beginning of the full-scale…
Documentaries in the media library – In search of new narrative styles
OnlineZoom event Thursday, 27.06.2024, 7:30 pm Registration at this link In recent years, public broadcasters have increasingly focused on developing their media libraries and winning back younger target groups. This…
What to Do Against Nazis?
OnlineZoom event Sunday, May 26, 2024, 11:00 am Film excerpts and discussion with the alliance Aufstehen gegen Rassismus. Registration under this link Director Peter Ohlendorf shows us excerpts from his…
Commissioning editors in public television – what they were, what they are and what they could be in the future
OnlineMedia policy evening - Zoom event "Commissioning editors in public television - what they were, what they are and what they could be in the future" a discussion with Prof.…
3. docfilm42 presents filmArche, the self-organized film school
b-ware!ladenkino Gärtnerstr. 19, Berlin, Germanydoc&talk docfilm42 features filmArche, the self-organized film school Come to our last joint doc&talk presented by docfilm42 and filmArche. Stay for a glass of sparkling wine and of course a…
2. docfilm42 presents filmArche, the self-organized film school
b-ware!ladenkino Gärtnerstr. 19, Berlin, Germany2. docfilm42 presents filmArche, the self-organized film school followed by discussions with the filmmakers! THU, 29.02.2024, 19:00 h b-ware! cinema Gärtnerstr. 19 10245 berlin What you get to see Director:…