Imagine: a storm blows across your garden and without your knowledge or consent, foreign and genetically-manipulated seeds are in your vegetable patch. Few days later, representatives of a multinational corporate group filed a criminal complaint against you, for the illegal use of patented, manipulated seeds. The court finds for the corporate group! You fight back… This is the story of Percy and Louise Schmeiser in Canada.
This film is reassuring. Reassuring to all who fear that as an individual, no one would have any power to confront policymakers, large corporations or the business world. “”David vs. Monsanto”” proves the opposite.
Directed by Bertram Verhaag
DOP: Waldemar Hauschild
Editing: Verena Schönauer
Sound: Zoltan Ravasz
Music: Farmer Karger Holzapfel
Production: Denkmal-Film Verhaag GmbH
Bertram Verhaag
After graduating from the HFF in Munich in the 1970s, he directed more than 140 films, each of which he produced himself, including: “Blue Eyed”, nominated by the Academy in Los Angeles as the outstanding documentary film of the year on the subject of racism; 5 films on Wackersdorf on the subject of nuclear power; 10 films against genetic engineering, including “Leben ausser Kontrolle” – the standard work on genetic engineering; and 10 films on good sustainable agriculture, such as “Der Bauer und sein Prinz” about Prince Charles’ organic farm. Verhaag participates in the “movement” of our society towards more humanity, respect for nature and the courage to intervene.
2019 Aus Liebe zum Überleben, 84 min.
2016 Code of Survival Documentary, 90 min.
2015 Samen in die Herzen säen Documentary, 36 min.
2014 The Farmer and his Prince Documentary, 52 & 80 mins.
2013 Vom Glück der Kühe Documentary, 52 min.
2013 Das liebe Rindvieh Documentary, 45 min.
2012 Der Ökobräu im Altmühltal Documentary, 45 min.
2011 Der Landhändler -Ganz ohne Gentechnik Documentary, 45 min.
2010 Gekaufte Wahrheit Documentary, 88 min.
2009 Der Bauer der das Gras wachsen hört Documentary, 45 min.
2009 Percy Schmeiser –David gegen Monsanto Documentary, 65 min.
2008 Life in Plastic… Documentary, 45 min.
2008 Rentner GmbH Documentary, 52 min.
2007 Der Bauer mit den Regenwürmern Documentary, 45 min.
2007 Sekem – Aus der Kraft der Sonne Documentary, 45 min.
2004 Leben ausser Kontrolle Documentary, 1 x 95 min. 3 x 60 min.
2002 86 000 Sekunden Documentary, 95 min.
2000 Der Agrar-Rebell Documentary, 45 min.
1997 Grenzgänger Documentary, 98 min.
1996 Blue Eyed Documentary, 93 min.
1991 Das Achte Gebot Documentary, 95 min.
1989 Restrisiko oder die Arroganz der Macht Documentary, 93 min.
1987 Spaltprozesse Documentary film, 93 min.
Our food can and must be produced without toxins for the benefit of all. In the 21st century, farmers have the knowledge to produce real food without chemical pollution.
We as consumers have a duty to respect the intergenerational contract and leave our children a world they can live on. Polluted agricultural deserts cannot feed us. It is time to fight back to preserve an intact environment.
Article on (in german)
“… a more than worthwhile cautionary tale – for a movement and for a struggle to prevent the control over genetic resources.” (Genetic Information Service GID 2009)
“Bertram Verhaag has made a moving documentary about the incredible story of a Canadian couple. (…) Bertram Verhaag succeeds in showing the mechanisms and system behind genetic engineering.” (Schrot&Korn 2009)
GZ DOC, Guangzhou, China 2009
Global Peace Film Fest, Orlando, USA 2010
The Film Festival of Colorado, Denver, USA 2010
FIPA German Films, Biarritz, France 2010
St. Louis International Film Festival, USA 2010
Twin Cities Film Festival, Minneapolis, USA 2010
Ellensburg Film Festival, Columbus, USA 2010
Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival, Nevada City, USA 2011
8th International Audiovisual Festival of Biodiversity, Rome, Italy 2011
Life Sciences Film Festival, Prague, Czech Republic 2011
Festival delle Terre, Bologna, Italy 2014
The Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism Award / USA 2009
The Chris Award, 58th Columbus International Film Festival / USA 2010
Festival Theme Award “”adapting and thriving in a changing world””, Film Festival Colorado / USA 2010