For the Love of Survival

Director: Bertram Verhaag / 85 min. / 2019 / German / Germany

A journey to eight courageous people who have turned away from conventions, from agricultural poisons, from inhumane working methods and have turned to an agriculture that manages the land without poisons and without destroying soil fertility.

Script & Director: Bertram Verhaag
Cinematography: Waldemar Hauschild, Gerald Fritzen, Stefan Schindler
Editor: Corinna Lösel, Verena Schönauer, Uwe Klimmek
Production: Bertram Verhaag

„Everyone is talking about the agricultural turnaround – but not us, we’ve already taken the turn!“

In his film „For the Love of Survival“, Bertram Verhaag portrays eight bold individuals who turned their backs on conventions, agricultural chemicals and inhumane methods. Who instead, embraced a form of agriculture that requires no poisons and does not destroy soil fertility.

Each protagonist tells a very personal story of worms, cow horns, of stillness, wallowing pigs, of wearing your best suit to the fields and of the reverence for life…

These extraordinary people evoke courage in us all — courage to advocate a different form of agriculture. Courage to trust the heart and tune out the head.

The resistance they encounter only makes them stronger and more confident of having chosen the right path.

Franz Josef Kögel, Franz Aunkofer, Agnes und Michael Simml, Sepp Braun, Walter und Susanne Schwärzler, Martha und Michael Krieger, Martin und Maria Bienerth, Karl Ludwig Schweisfurth

Written and directed by Bertram Verhaag
Camera: Waldemar Hauschild, Gerald Fritzen, Stefan Schindler
Editing: Corinna Lösel, Verena Schönauer, Uwe Klimmek
Dramaturgical advice: Gabi Kröber
Music: Florian Moser, Erwin Rehling
Sound: Marcus von Kleist, Zoltan Ravasz
Camera assistant: Isabell Theiler, Alyssa Koske
Assistant Editor: Alyssa Koske
Mixture: Ralph P. Bienzeisler
Graphics: Velvet Mediendesign, Thomas Wernbacher
Color correction: Wolfdieter Gautzsch
Post Production: B.O.A. Video film art
Production management: Eva Linke
Production Manager: Alyssa Koske
Production advice: Björn Jensen
Film management: Eva Vogeler
Producer: Bertram Verhaag
Production: DENKmal Film Verhaag, München

Bertram Verhaag
After graduating from the HFF in Munich in the 1970s, Verhaag directed more than 140 films, each of which he produced himself, including: “Blue eyed”, nominated by the Academy in Los Angeles as the outstanding documentary film of the year on the subject of racism; 5 films on Wackersdorf on the subject of nuclear power; 10 films against green genetic engineering, including “Leben ausser Kontrolle” – the standard work on genetic engineering; and 10 films on good sustainable agriculture, such as “Der Bauer und sein Prinz” about Prince Charles’ organic farm. Verhaag participates in the “movement” of our society towards more humanity, respect for nature and the courage to intervene.

2019 Aus Liebe zum Überleben Documentary, 84 Min.
2016 Code of Survival Documentary, 90 Min.
2015 Samen in die Herzen säen Documentary, 36 Min.
2014 Der Bauer und sein Prinz Documentary, 52 & 80 Min.
2013 Vom Glück der Kühe Documentary, 52 Min.
2013 Das liebe Rindvieh Documentary, 45 Min.
2012 Der Ökobräu im Altmühltal Documentary, 45 Min.
2011Der Landhändler –Ganz ohne Gentechnik Documentary, 45 Min.
2010 Gekaufte Wahrheit Documentary, 88 Min.
2009 Der Bauer der das Gras wachsen hört Documentary, 45 Min.
2009 Percy Schmeiser –David gegen Monsanto Documentary, 65 Min.
2008 Life in Plastic… Documentary, 45 Min.
2008 Rentner GmbH Documentary, 52 Min.
2007 Der Bauer mit den Regenwürmern Documentary, 45 Min.
2007 Sekem – Aus der Kraft der Sonne Documentary, 45 Min.
2004 Leben ausser Kontrolle Documentary, 1 x 95 Min. 3 x 60 Min.
2002 86 000 Sekunden Documentary, 95 Min.
2000 Der Agrar-Rebell Documentary, 45 Min.
1997 Grenzgänger Documentary, 98 Min.
1996 Blue Eyed Documentary, 93 Min.
1991 Das Achte Gebot Documentary, 95 Min.
1989 Restrisiko oder die Arroganz der Macht Documentary, 93 Min.
1987 Spaltprozesse Documentary, 93 Min.

Our food can and must be produced without toxins for the benefit of all. In the 21st century, farmers have the knowledge to produce real food without chemical pollution.

The film AUS LIEBE ZUM ÜBERLEBEN (For the Love of Survival) shows touching images of farmers who treat their soil with reverence and see it as the basis for the survival of all mankind. It shows us what the agriculture of the future should look like: a preserver of the soil, the water, the air, the climate, and, above all, healthy food.

Eight farming families are shown as examples, which at some point have put an end to the merciless hamster wheel of artificial fertilisers, pesticides and industrial animal food. With courage and rural stubbornness, they have converted their farms to organic and are now proud of their profession again. You hear them talk about their love of animals, nature and the joy of their profession.

When you see in the film how farmers treat the soil with humility and respect while knowing how industrial farming exploits and poisons the soil, no one can be in favour of pesticides and genetic engineering.

We as consumers have a duty to respect the intergenerational contract and to leave our children a world they can feed on. Polluted agricultural deserts cannot feed us. It is five to twelve to fight back to preserve an intact environment. In our film we show how easy it is to do this.

“…This film is a feast for the eyes and ears, and touches the heart and the mind. It can encourage other farmers to think and rethink and also to tread new paths. It conveys to consumers the desire and joy of supporting precisely this type of agriculture…” (Pagewizz)

“… Bertram Verhaag’s film is a special stroke of luck: His main actors – all of them farmers – live their new lives so characterful, charismatic and exemplary that the jury awards him the “Future Film Award” as a fitting distinction…” (Jury of the Future Film Award 2019)

“… By means of eight farmers and touching, soulful images, a story is told, or rather a feeling is conveyed, as to the importance that organic farming should have…” (EHP)

“…the film ” Aus Liebe zum Überleben” is a passionate plea to think about conventional methods in agriculture, which only aim at high yields. ‘Subjugate the earth’, that is a big misunderstanding…” (

Ökofilmtour, Potsdam
Greenscreen Festival, Eckernförde
DOKfest, München
Fsff Fünf Seen Festival, Bayern
Deutscher Naturfilmpreis, Darß
Provinciale, Eberswalde
Filmfest der Alternativen, Schwerin
Cosmic Cine Filmfestival, München
NaturVision Filmfestival, Ludwigsburg