
ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR Director: Jonathan Schörnig, 93 minutes, 2024, FSK 12 How a sea rescue can take place is beyond imagination. The real-time documentary ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR brings…

doc&talk – Love in the face of genocide


Online doc&talk Sunday, 20.10.2024, 11:00 am LOVE IN THE FACE OF GENOCIDE Director: Sêro Hindê / 52 min. / 2020 / Kurdish (UT: English) The film explores the impact of…

doc&talk – Goldrausch


The September doc&talk docfilm42 presents GOLDRAUSCH - The History of the Treuhand on 20.09. Even 35 years after reunification, the consequences of the liquidation of East German companies can still…

doc&talk – Chronicles of the Middle Ages


Zoom event Sunday, 21.07.2024, 7:30 pm Registration at this link. The film was shot in May 2022 in Kiev, Bucha and Gostomel. Eyewitnesses report on the beginning of the full-scale…

3. docfilm42 presents filmArche, the self-organized film school

b-ware!ladenkino Gärtnerstr. 19, Berlin, Germany

doc&talk docfilm42 features filmArche, the self-organized film school Come to our last joint doc&talk presented by docfilm42 and filmArche. Stay for a glass of sparkling wine and of course a…