Sharing the harvest

Director: Philipp Petruch / 81 min. / 2023 / German (ST: English, French, Spanish) / German

Sharing the harvest tells the story of farmers who are countering the growth compulsion of our system and creating a different form of economy – community-supported agriculture.

Director: Philipp Petruch
Cinematography: Kevin Schaub
Editor: Kamil Goerlich
Production: Philipp Petruch
World Sales: Magnet Film

Watch the film on Amazon, Youtube, Apple!

Sharing the harvest, tells the story of farmers who are taking a stand against the growth compulsion of our system and breaking out of the structures of conventional agriculture. Filmmaker and activist Philipp Petruch takes the audience on a journey to three SolaWi initiatives in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. They are united by a clear goal: with the help of communities, they are creating a local supply cycle based on the values of ecology and the common good. With courage, a sense of community and a new relationship between consumer and producer, they show how it is possible to change agriculture. And a little bit of the world.

Director: Philipp Petruch
Cinematography: Kevin Schaub
2. Unit: Linus Berberich
3. Unit: Martin Koenig
Editing: Kamil Goerlich
Sound: Philipp Petruch, Robert Wiese
Music: Georg Bermann, Marieluise Herrmann, Björn Reinemer, Ole Sterz
Production: Philipp Petruch
Grading & Postproduktion: Johannes Rudloff
Sounddesign & Soundmastering: Andreas Nesic


Filmography Philipp Petruch

Sharing the harvest
Director, writer and producer und Produktion: Philipp Petruch
D 2023, 81 min, Feature film (Documentary)

Locked in
Director, writer and editing: Philipp Petruch
D 2016, 7 min, Short film

Locked out
Director, writer: Philipp Petruch
AT 2015, 5 min, Short film

The farming profession is coming under increasing pressure these days. Low esteem from society, market mechanisms, financial problems and unstable climatic conditions, such as droughts and water shortages, exacerbate risks and existential fears. Many consumers have long since realized that food waste, cheap products and opaque global supply chains cannot go on like this. But the question is often: what can we actually do? What can I do as an individual? Is it even possible to change our economic system, you can’t just turn everything upside down like that!

It is time to develop concrete solutions for the problems and challenges ahead. For this to succeed, however, we need shared visions and encouraging role models. For me, community-supported agriculture is such an example. It is a building block in the search and struggle for a sustainable economic system. It offers both producers an opportunity to produce food sustainably and consumers to source food sustainably and regionally.

That’s why I’m immersing myself in a world with this film. I visit 7 farmers who work according to the principle of community-supported agriculture. A community-based form of business for food producers who have sustainability and the common good as their primary goal. I would like to know from these people what motivates them, what drives them to look for alternative marketing channels? What problems are there in today’s agriculture? What ideals do they actually want to pursue in the (agricultural) economy? What can we learn from them?

These 7 people are all makers! They are not satisfied with just denouncing grievances, but are actively working to improve their respective situations with the help of a community.
At the end of this journey, I am full of optimism. These people have inspired me to change my life and have shown me that Society and each and every one of us, we can all make a difference, if we work together!

Director & Producer, Philipp Petruch

„Eine filmische Reise zu den Pionier*innen der Agrarwende.“
– Hamburg:pur

„Landwirtschaft neu organisiert – Der Dokumentarfilm ‚Ernte Teilen‘ stellt das Prinzip der Solidarischen Landwirtschaft vor.“
– 3Sat Kulturzeit

„Ein Emotionales Werk – Unter dem Strich ist ‚Ernte teilen‘ ein Mutmach-Werk.“
– Allgemeine Fleischer Zeitung


Ernte teilen bei NDR Kultur:

Ernte Teilen bei Mensche Media

Ernte Teilen gewinnt Kino & Klima Award beim FSFF 2023

Ernte Teilen beim Forum für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften:

Natur Vision Filmfestival, nominiert für den NaturVision Preis der Jugendjury, 2023, Deutschland
BABUL ECO FILM FESTIVAL, official selection, 2023, Indien
Acampadoc Panamá, official selection, 2023, Panamá
Capital Filmmakers Festival Berlin, Gewinner Beste Regie, 2023, Deutschland
Fünf Seen Filmfestival, Gewinner Kino & Klima Award, 2023, Deutschland
Globale Mittelhessen, official selection, 2023, Deutschland
Snowdance Filmfestival, Official Selection, 2024, Deutschland